School Programs (Meeting CT, CC, or NGSS Standards)

Eli Whitney Museum

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Thumbnail of School Programs (Meeting CT, CC, or NGSS Standards) project

Over the course of a year, students in our programs build more than 80,000 projects. Choose a program from our extensive catalog to meet your curriculum needs and excite your students’ talents.

We have added a search bar to make it easier for you to find programs which suit specific grade level, CT Science Framework, and Common Core categories.

Just because a program is listed for a 3rd grade Standard doesn't mean it isn't appropriate for another grade, and falling into an older grade curriculum doesn't exclude it being done by a younger group of capable students. We've tried to indicate that by the age range listed in the descriptions.

Designed to fit Connecticut state, Common Core, and NGSS teaching standards, our programs can be taught at the Workshop, at your school, or we can provide you with kits and training. To schedule a program, call the Museum at (203) 777-1833. Click here for more information.

This catalog does not necessarily reflect all the designs and programs available to schools. If you have a project need or design that you don't see on this list, please call Kiran at the Workshop, 203.777.1833, or email her at to discuss your needs.

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